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Java - ByteArrayInputStream

ByteArrayInputStream class is a subclass of InputStream abstract class. It creates an inputstream, which is used to read byte/bytes from its own internal buffer, which is initialized using a byte array.

Constructor of ByteArrayInputStream:

ByteArrayInputStream(byte[] buf)
This is the most used constructor and it creates a ByteArrayInputStream object with its own internal buffer initialized to the value of a byte array, which is passed to this constructor as a parameter.

//Creating a String
String str = "Learning about Input Streams";

//Creating a byte array from a String
byte[] b= str.getBytes();

//Creating a ByteArrayInputStream object from a byte array
ByteArrayInputStream bais= new ByteArrayInputStream(b); 

In the example above, we have created a byte array b, which is initialized to the value of a string, str. Next, we have created a ByteArrayInputStream object with its own buffer initialized to the value of this byte array b.

Some methods for reading ByteArrayInputStream

The following are the most commonly used method for reading ByteArrayInputStream. Note: The access modifier of these methods is public.

Methods Description
This method gives the remaining number of bytes available to read from this input stream.

This method reads one byte at a time from this input stream.

This method reads a number of bytes from the input stream and stores them into its buffer array.

This method closes this input stream and also frees any resources connected with this input stream.


Reading one byte at a time out of a byte array using read() method.

In the upcoming code, we have initialized the internal buffer of ByteArrayInputStream to the value of a byte array, which is initialized using a String.

// Java - A program to read one byte at a time from a byte array by using ByteArrayInputStream's internal buffer.


class A
public static void main(String... ar)
	//Creating a String 
	String str= new String("World peace is extremely important");
	//Creating a byte array from a String
	byte b[]=str.getBytes();
		//Creating a ByteArrayInputStream object from a byte array
		ByteArrayInputStream bais= new ByteArrayInputStream(b); 
		System.out.println("Number of bytes available to read = " + bais.available());
		int c;
		while( (!=-1) //reading a byte at a time out of ByteArrayInput's buffer

		//Closing the ByteArrayInputStream
	catch(IOException e)

Output is -:

Number of bytes available to read = 34
World peace is extremely important

Program Analysis


Even after closing the stream by calling the close(), we can still read the bytes out of buffer of ByteArrayInputStream and no IOException will be thrown.

In the next example, we are reading ByteArrayInputStream and its internal buffer is initiaized with the value of a byte array, which is initialized using a String, but unlike the previous example, where we read one byte at a time, this time we are going to read a whole byte array at once for faster reading.

// Java - A program to read a whole byte array at once by using ByteArrayInputStream's internal buffer.


public class A
public static void main(String... ar)
	//Creating a String 
	String str= new String("World peace is extremely important");
	//Creating a byte array from a String
	byte b1[]=str.getBytes();
		//Creating a ByteArrayInputStream object from a byte array
		ByteArrayInputStream bais= new ByteArrayInputStream(b1); 
		System.out.println("Number of bytes available to read = " + bais.available());
		//Creating a new byte array, which will be filled by reading ByteArrayInputStream.
		byte b2[]= new byte[bais.available()];
		int c;
		//reading a whole byte array at once, by calling read(byte[]) method of ByteArrayInputStream
		if( (!=-1)	//This read() method stops reading from file when EOF is reached i.e. -1	
			System.out.print("Number of bytes just read = " +c);

		//Creating a new String from the byte array
		String s= new String(b2);
		//Printing the data just read by ByteArrayInputStream
		System.out.println("\nContent just read by ByteArrayInputStream: " + s);
		//Closing the ByteArrayInputStream
	catch(IOException e)

Output is -:

Number of bytes available to read = 34
Number of bytes just read = 34
Content just read by ByteArrayInputStream: World peace is extremely important

Program Analysis

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