In the last tutorial, we introduced you to the important elements of aspect oriented programming.
Today, we are going to introduce you to an implementation of aspect oriented programming, known as AspectJ.
In this tutorial, we
are going to show you how to download and install AspectJ.
Downloading AspectJ
At the time of writing this article, the latest available version of AspectJ is AspectJ1.9.1. We could download this version from
AspectJ Download.
As soon as you visit the link, you will be presented a window which looks as the picture below.
In the section - Latest Stable Release, we need to click on the link - aspectj-1.9.1.jar(17M), as depicted in the picture below.
As soon as you click on the link - aspectj-1.9.1.jar(17M), you are taken to the a new webpage from where you could download the latest version of aspectj-1.9.1.jar file.
This webpage has a download button and it looks as the picture below.
As soon as you click on the download button, you are taken a new webpage which shows you a thank you message from Eclipse for download AspectJ
, which is depicted in the picture below.
Finally, in matter of a few seconds, a new window pops up on the top of this webpage,
asking you save the file by clicking the OK button or Cancel,
please click on the OK button and the jar file named AspectJ-1.9.1.jar will begin its download.
Installing the Hibernate
Once the AspectJ-1.9.1.jar file(containing the AspectJ files) is downloaded,
installation of AspectJ is as simple as double-clicking it, which will launch the installtion window. In this installation window,
we only click on the next button and select your preferred installation folder.
The installation folder of AspectJ file will contain three folders -
lib - This folder contains 4 important jar files named -
These jar files will be required to work with Spring Framework in the next few articles.
doc - This folder contains the documentation of AspectJ.
bin - This folder contains the scripts for executing the AspectJ compiler and AspectJ browser : a graphical editor for compiling programs.
And that's it! This concludes the successful downloading and installing of AspectJ. In the next few articles, we are going to teach you how to create integrate a Spring Project with AspectJ using various schemes.