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Method Overriding in Java

In Java, when a class is inherited, you can override the definition of any of its existing accessible methods in its subclass by a feature known as method overriding. Hence in simple words, method overriding is overriding the definition of a superclass method in its subclass.

Besides other rules that we are going to explain for method overriding, one basic rule is that the superclass method being overridden must have the same name in the subclass as well.

Use of method overriding

The key benefit to method overriding is that you can alter the behaviour of a method inherited from a superclass and define its specification according to the need of a subclass.

A simple example of method overriding.

// Java - Example of method overriding 

class A				//superclass
public void name()		//method name() in class A 

class B extends A		//subclass of A
public void name() 		//method name() of class A is overridden in class B

In this example, class A is inherited by class B. The name() method of class A is returning A but when this method is inherited and overridden by class B, it is returning B.

Rules for method overriding -:

Why method overriding is needed?

Method overriding is mainly used in a situation when we want to create a more specialized version of a generic(general) method inherited from a superclass, within a subclass.

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