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Java - Widening and Narrowing

Widening a smaller primitive value to a bigger primitive type.

Widening takes place when a smaller primitive type value is automatically accommodated in a larger/wider primitive data type. Let us see an example.

//Java - Example of Widening a smaller primitive value to a larger primitive type

class A
public static void main(String... ar)
	byte b=10;

	short s= b;	//byte value is widened to short
	int i=b;	//byte value is widened to int
	long l=b;	//byte value is widened to long
	float f=b;	//byte value is widened to float
	double d=b;	//byte value is widened to double

	System.out.println("short value : "+ s);
	System.out.println("int value : "+ i);
	System.out.println("long value : "+ l);
	System.out.println("float value : "+ f);
	System.out.println("double value : "+ d);


short value : 10
int value : 10
long value : 10
float value : 10.0
double value : 10.0
In the preceding code, we have widened a smaller byte value to several larger primitive values like byte, short, int, long and float.

Widening a subclass object reference to a wider superclass object reference.

Widening also takes place when a subclass object reference is assigned to a wider superclass object reference. This is also known as upcasting a subclass reference to its superclass reference.

//Java - Example of Widening a subclass object reference to a wider superclass object reference

class A
public void message()
	System.out.println("message from A");

class B extends A
public void message()
	System.out.println("message from B");

public static void main(String... ar)
	B b = new B();
	A a = b;   //reference of a subclass(B) type is widened to a reference of superclass(A) type.


Message from B


Narrowing a bigger primitive value to a small primitive value.

Narrowing is explictly performed when a wider/bigger primitive type value is assigned to a smaller primitive type value. This also known as downcasting/casting a bigger primitive value to a small primitive value. Let us see an example.

//Java - Example of narrowing a bigger primitive value to a small primitive value

class A
public static void main(String... ar)
	double d =10.5;

	byte b = (byte)d;		//Narrowing double to byte 
	short s= (short)d;		//Narrowing double to short 
	int i= (int)d;			//Narrowing double to int 
	long l= (long)d;		//Narrowing double to long
	float f= (float)d;		//Narrowing double to float 

	System.out.println("Original double value : " +d);
	System.out.println("Narrowing double value to short : "+ s);
	System.out.println("Narrowing double value to int : "+ i);
	System.out.println("Narrowing double value to long : "+ l);
	System.out.println("Narrowing double value to float : "+ f);
	System.out.println("Narrowing double value to byte : "+ b);


Original double value : 10.5
Narrowing double value to short : 10
Narrowing double value to int : 10
Narrowing double value to long : 10
Narrowing double value to float : 10.5
Narrowing double value to byte : 10
In the preceding code, we have explictly narrowed a biggerdouble value to several smaller primitive values like byte, short, int, long and float by casting a double value.

Narrowing a superclass object reference to subclass object reference.

Narrowing is also explictly performed when a superclass reference is assigned to a subclass reference, during inheritance. This is also known as downcasting/casting the superclass reference to its subclass reference. Let us see an example.

//Java - Example of narrowing a superclass object reference to a subclass object reference

class A				
public void message()
	System.out.println("message from A");

class B extends A		
public void message()
	System.out.println("message from B");

public static void main(String... ar)
	A a =  new B();	//An object of subclass(B) is referenced by a reference of superclass(A)
	B b = (B)a;	//A reference of superclass(A) type is downcasted/narrowed to the reference of subclass(B) type.

Output -

message from B

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