Exception Class | Description |
BaseException | This is a base class for all built-in exceptions. |
KeyboardInterrupt | This type of exception is raised when a user pressed CTRL+C to interrupt a program's execution. |
SystemExit | This type of exception is raised by sys.exit() function. |
Exception | This is a base class for all the built-in exceptions, except system exiting exceptions. User defined exceptions should be derived from this class. |
StandardError | This is a base class for all the built-in exceptions except StopIteration, GeneratorExit, KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit classes. |
BufferError | This type of exception is raised during failure of buffer related processing. |
ArithmeticError | This is a base class for all built-in exceptions that are raised for arithmetic errors |
FloatingPointError | This type of exception is raised during a floating-point error. |
OverflowError | This type of exception is raised when result of an arithmetic expression is too large to be displayed. |
ZeroDivisionError | This type of exception is raised when a number is divided by a zero. |
AssertionError | This type of exception is raised during the failure of an assert statement. |
AttributeError | This type of exception is raised during the failure of an attribute reference or assignment. |
EnvironmentError | This type of exception can occur outside the Python environment system. |
IOError | This type of exception is raised during the failure of an I/O operation. |
OSError | This type of exception is raised during an operating system related error. |
EOFError | This type of exception is raised when EOF(end-of-file) is reached during the call to one of the built-in functions - input() or raw_input() functions, without reading any data. |
ImportError | This type of exception is raised during the failure of import statement to find and import a module's definition. |
LookupError | This is a base class for all exceptions raised due an invalid key or index used to mapping. |
IndexError | This type of exception is raised when a searched index is not found or is out-of-range. |
KeyError | This type of exception is raised when a searched key is not found. |
MemoryError | This type of exception is raised when an operation runs out of memory. |
NameError | This type of exception is raised when a local or global name is not found or its value is not defined. |
UnboundLocalError | This type of exception is raised when a local variable is referenced in a function but there is no value bound to it. |
RuntimeError | This type of exception is raised when a detected error does not fall in any category. |
NotImplementedError | This type of exception is raised when a function of abstract class is not implemented in a derived class. |
SyntaxError | This type of exception is raised when there is a syntax error in Python's script/program. |
IndentationError | This type of exception is raised during an erroneous indentation in a program. |
TabError | This type of exception is raised during an incorrect use of tab and spaces in indentation. |
SystemError | This type of exception is raised when Python's interpreter find an internal error but still does not quit or exit. |
TypeError | This type of exception is raised when an operation or function is executed over an object of an invalid data type. |
ValueError | This type of exception is raised when an operation function recieves an argument whose value does not match with its specified type. |
UnicodeError | This type of exception is raised during an error in Unicode coding/decoding. |
KeyError | This type of exception is raised when a searched key is not found. |
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