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Python - Relational Operators

This operator is also known as not equal to operator. It compares the values of its two operands by checking for their inequality. It returns a boolean value true when operands have unequal values otherwise it returns false.

A coding example with != operator

# Python != operator example

if 'z' != 'a' : 		#comparing a character to another character
    print("z is not equal to a")

if 100 != 100.001 :		#comparing an integer with a floating value
    print("100 is not equal to 100.001")

if 99.9999 != 99.999 :		#comparing a floating value with a floating value
    print("99.9999 is  not equal to 99.999")

if 5.00 != 5.0 :		#comparing an integer to floating value
    print("5.00 is not equal to 5.0")

if 11 !=10 :			#comparing an integer to an integer
    print("11 is not equal to 10")

if 98 != 'hello' :		# A string in python can be compared to another value only using == operator.
    print("98 is not equal to a")

Output -

z is not equal to a
100 is not equal to 100.001
99.9999 is  not equal to 99.999
11 is not equal to 10
98 is not equal to a
Note : There should never be any space between ! and = of != operator, or a compile error is thrown.

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